Does anyone know a items when join plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by gamingod, Sep 29, 2013.

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    Does anyone know any plugins that can do any of these things?
    note: i do not want to use essentials

    1) when a player joins it will show only them a message like with essentials and the motd
    2) when a player joins they will have items in their inventory that can have custom names and lores.
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    So you want the functionality of Essentials... but not essentials? Care to explain why?
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    Yes i agree with Lolmewn their is probably little point to why not. However it's probably because he uses another plugin like essentials that will interfere or something like that. You could try VariableTriggers, yes its hard at first but it may help to add even more functionality with what you require.
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    Lolmewn I do not want to use essentials because i do want all the commands and features it offers, if there was a way to disable certain features in the config than i would use it.
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    gamingod Simply not giving permissions is basically the same like disabling features really, I'd say.
    From the top of my mind I also can't think of another plugin that does this. Maybe FirstJoinPlus or something similar, try searching a bit.
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    Lolmewn I will try that plugin but i dont want to use essentials because it has different chat formats and features, example: When i teleport to someone i am on the ground
    When i do /give i have to use my IGN, etc. But it is fine, I will try the plugin FirstJoinPlus
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