Invisible blocks

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Rapidgame7, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun, Mechanics (Admin tools?)

    Suggested name: TransparentBlocks

    What I want: I want a plugin that, well... Places invisible blocks, but when you are near one it shows up as glass (or something), like BeamPaths.
    For example, I want to make a bridge using a mix of dirt and stone.
    I use /tb place dirt and then I place dirt to make part of my bridge. Once I finish, I use /tb place and the dirt blocks I placed dissapear, as I finished. Then I use the same command for stone.
    When I'm about 2 or 3 blocks near an invisible block, the dirt and the stone shows up so I can step on them. And when I'm not near, these gets invisible again.
    To remove them, just break them.

    More uses for the lulz down there.
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    (And then I put tons of diamond ore on a certain place and then I make a giant wall of invisible obsidian in front of it! Then someone looks at the ore and says "OMFG IM GOING TO BREK IT WITH MY PIKAEX" then when him gets near the invisible obsidian walls...

    It's perfect to make an awesome invisible skyblock or an awesome random landscape XD NO WAIT, invisible ocean... Or something related with ships and tunnels... Or maybe just a superflat world willed with these! It will take some time to me to make it but it will look great! Everyone's floating on a very small chunk of land and they are floating on it! They can walk evrywhere but they won't fall! :D
    Inverse invisible blocks..? Like... Instead of showing up when you're near these, they just dissapear when you're near and reappear when you leave the place! Illusion blocks! No wait, that's another story. Let's move on.

    Ideas for commands:
    /tb - Shows the help.
    /tb place [block] [breakable] - This toggles the placing of invisible blocks. If a block ID is given, the invisible block will show up as [block], or glass by default. If an invalid ID is given, an error shows up and nothing happens. The next argument tells the game if the block can be destroyed, ignoring permission, so you can make for example invisible ores that can be mined by normal users.
    /tb destroy [radius] - Destroys ALL invisible blocks on the world, or in a certain radius if this is given.

    Ideas for permissions: - To place invisible blocks. Default to OP
    tb.break - To be able to break those blocks. Ignored if "breakable" is set to true. Default to OP
    Anyways I don't know how to manage permissions so the default is OP.

    When I'd like it by:
    I'm not in a hurry, so... Maybe in a week or so.

    If possible, add WorldEdit compatibility, as the blocks that WE placed are counted like player's blocks, then I suppose that when the invisible placing is turned on, all blocks placed with WE are turned to be invisible.

    EDIT: To make this easy, I need some plugin that does almost exactly that BeamPaths does, but with custom blocks and with commands to make the blocks breakable or not, and without putting gold borders and a sign that says [path].

    That's a lot of edits!
    aronuserparty98 likes this.
  2. Offline


    I have been looking for a plugin of this kind previously, but had no luck finding it. I would be very happy if someone were to take on the request and create a public plugin of this kind.
  3. Offline


    I know how to create invis blocks but I dont fully understand what you want.
  4. Offline


    Shortening my post:
    I want a block that remains as air when I'm not near and when I'm near it appears again.
    Then the details are on the first post.
  5. Offline


    Just use
    //set 71:(test what way you want it to face here) you won't see the hit box when you are not near it and you do when you point @ it from up close.
  6. Offline


    Thanks :) Any metadata for the iron door to make it invis?
  7. Offline


    Just test. 71:1 will face one way and 71:2 will face another. They are the dif ways you can place iron doors.
  8. Offline


    oh right! (it changed to a sad face so I was very confused)
    Thanks :)
  9. Offline


    You can do //set chest for invisible blocks.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    If you have the WorldEdit plugin and you set two positions with the wand and type //set chest, it will create a invisible wall.
  12. Offline


    Yeah I know. But then how do you set the normal chests (that aren't invisible)
  13. Offline


    You place them down normally, they go invisible because you cannot have more than a double chest.

    You can't //set chest without them going invisible.
  14. Offline


    MrTomTomHD I have a row of chests that are visible..
  15. Offline


    I bet you didn't even try and use WorldEdit.
  16. Offline


    How come? I did...
  17. Offline


    The only problem with //set chest is that it does create a set of double chests.
    It would be pretty cool if there was a plugin that provided a invisible wall without the need to use chests or iron doors.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    I want the invisible thingy NOT TO BE a glitched block with the hitbox visible (or whatever the black lines are when pointing at a block within reach).
    I want some sort of... Well, the plugin stores where in the world an "invisible block" is, so when I'm about a range of 3 blocks it appears again as <whatever I've put on command>.
    Like this.
    But instead of appearing as glass by default, after I've put the command and a block ID as the following argument, then the block does the exact thing as BeamPaths, but with custom blocks.

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