Cancel Damage by Player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by VideoMrz, Sep 7, 2013.

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    I am all new to this stuff, and I am attempting to make a team versus team plugin.

    Since I am not sure how to do some things, so I am also using other plugins out there so that all plugins can be used to create a team versus team server.

    The part I'm stuck on is that I want players that are on the same team to not be able to hit each other. When a player joins a team they are given a permission that will identify them as a red or blue player. I need it to be so that players who have a permission, for example, "" to not be able to hit other players who have the same permission. How would I go about doing this?
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    Deleted user

    Entity instanceof Player

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    JHG0 Yes, I had that before, but how would I do it so that if they had permission "" they couldn't hit players with ""?
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    Deleted user

    Well you dont want them to have permissions
    You want them to join a team
    I'd suggest having /red and /blue command
    Make a hashmap and put them on it when they type the command
    And then
    1. if(blueTeam.contains(player.getName()) && blueTeam.contains(attacker.getName())) ||(redTeam.contains(player.getName()) && redTeam.contains(attacker.getName())){
    2. e.setCancelled(true);
    3. } else {
    4. e.setCancelled(false);
    5. }
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    JHG0 I get an error.

    It says "Syntax error on token "||", invalid OnlySynchronized"
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