Raiding Tracking Plugin Request! **URGENT**

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by CookieCrafterMC, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: imcTracking

    What I want: A simple tracking plugin. I want the command to be /near [radius]. With permission nodes ofcourse. I want it so I can limit how far the player can track. I don't want them to be able to do /near 10000. I KNOW ESSENTIALS HAS NEAR! BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE THE /NEAR RADIUS LIMIT!

    Ideas for commands: - /near [radius]

    Ideas for permissions: - imcTracking.near.{radius} (this node will probably give you a understanding on what I want)

    When I'd like it by: Today, tomorrow, or the day after.


    The - imcTracking.near. {radius} permission node..... If you add - imcTracking.near.200 to a group, that should be the limit on how much blocks they can track up to (/near 200). They can also do any radius under the limit (ex: /near 150) Just saying to be clear. THE /NEAR COMMAND SHOULD OVERRIDE THE ESSENTIALS /NEAR COMMAND!

    If you can make this plugin ASAP, it would be great. I want to release my server this week
  2. Offline


    I suggest you ask essentials to add this.
    Otherwise, yes someone could do this for you very easily, but porbably wouldn't maintain it 24/7.
    Anyway, good luck.

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