Enjin Donation Shop Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EgyptianKing, Jul 2, 2013.

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    Okay so I'm making a category in my online donation shops named 'Rank Upgrades'. Something like this

    VIP > Noble
    Noble > Guardian

    So that they will not have to pay full price for another rank, they can just upgrade..

    To do this, I know the permissions ex command; /pex user {name} group set noble (for VIP > Noble)

    But how do I make it so that it checks if they have the VIP rank, because if I didn't they could just buy the Noble rank using upgrade as cheap.
  2. Offline


    I believe enjin has this feature as it is compatible with most permission plugins.
    I suggest you contact an enjin staff or the enjin forums if you cant figure it out.
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