Webstats help?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ImpulsiveVenom, Jun 12, 2013.

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    My host has been trying to set up the webstats but.
    This error has been showing up. http://pastebin.com/EtujxWbx
    They're the webstats for SurvivalGames btw.

    Please help!
  2. Offline


    Can't connect to MySQL server
    Though I've never used SurvivalGames Webstats, from the error I believe Webstats requires access to the MySQL database, which your host will need to configure. Once a database is configured, it will need to be linked in the Webstats' config.
  3. Offline


    The SQL is linked. Yet the webpage does not load.
    The sql server is reachable and it is set in the db_config file.
    For some reason it's failing to connect even though you can connect with a remote client to the mysql server.
    And all hosts are allowed.
  4. Offline


    Did you provide the MySQL password?

    (using password: NO)
  5. Offline


    My host said that's a fault in the script. It's really weird. :I
  6. Offline


    Probably has to do with how their MySQL is configured on the server.
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