World Guard Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kami675, May 16, 2013.

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    Hello World Guard was working perfectly fine until i updated to the new version =/ for some reason even if i define myself as an owner of the region I still cant build(I am also OP) i tried the /region flag __global__ construct Owner but it still doesnt allow me to build. There is only 1 region so it cant be a overlapping issue so I dont need to set priorities. If anyone has any suggestion pls throw them my way

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Offline


    The command is actually /region addmember <region> <player>. But either way, if your an operator, you should be able to bypass that.
    Check the blacklist. Make sure every line has a # infront of it, at the beginning of the line. Because the blacklist, operators cant even bypass this. (server/plugins/worldguard/worlds/*yourworld*/blacklist.)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    iSayCr4pAlot Just checked it and everything has a # behind it and i also used /region define spawn Kami675 and /region addowner spawn Kami675 neither one works and its not just in my Spawn world its not working in my other worlds as well
  4. Offline


    First, do you aboslutely know its because of WorldGuard? If so, show pastebin file for the config, and everything else
  5. Offline


    Here are some tips:

    Updating World Edit
    Updating World Guard
    Check and DOUBLE check configs/files for BOTH

    If these DO NOT fix it, it could be a server error. Best of Luck! ~Polish
  6. Offline


    To the new version of what? WorldGuard or CraftBukkit?

    Been using WorldGuard for almost three years now. Not once would updating it cause regions to break or dismiss former owners. Nor did any CraftBukkit update ever mess with WorldGuard regions.

    You sure it isn't something else causing problems?
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    5.7.3 on World Guard and 5.5.6 on world edit and ill post the startup log in a bit
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