I'm making a Bukkit icon, and I need help with resizing.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cjbh1996, Mar 5, 2011.

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    My problem: I have created a 256x256 icon of the lava bucket that fades to binary code, which I call "the Bukkit" but when I set the icon of my "Start Craftbukkit.bat" or any other icon to the icon I created, the binary code gets cut off in different places because of the resize.

    Is it my screen resolution? I have a 1650x1050 monitor, but what would I see if I had an HD monitor, 1920x1080? Would I still get the numbers being cut off? Here's the .ico if anyone wants to try it out and post a picture of their results:


    Right click>Save As> Bukkit.ico or whatever you want to call it. Yeah, it's huge, but when you set it as an icon picture, it's normal size. Please, if anyone could try it out and post their results, it would help me a lot.

    THIS problem is solved but I'll keep it here for reference:
    So I've set up a batch program that executes the GUI for my Craftbukkit server and I was tired of the icon being a little picture of a window and gears. So, I decided to make an icon for it. I copied the picture of "the Bukkit", the lava filled bucket that fades to binary code at the top of the page. It's some size around 57x55 or something. I'm not too skilled with image manipulators (I'm using GIMP) so I decided not to try and replicate the picture. I have it set up in Gimp as a transparent PNG 57x57. Most icons are 32x32, the default form, but on my computer I have my icons set at 50x50 I think. When I save my icon as a .ico file, it resizes it to 32x32 (duh) and when it's on my desktop, it's resized again to 50x50. It doesn't look too good. I also noticed some icons (the Skype icon, for example) can be infinitely resized, whereas others can't when the icon size is adjusted (they stay the same size). Why can't I make icons that can be infinitely resized?
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    I played around in GIMP a little bit and created a 256x256 icon that seems to look alright. Modern OSes uses big icons so they look good when they scale. Here's a screenie and the file in both .ico and .png. Yes, I took a little creative license when it came to the font.

    Tell me whatcha think!

    Attached Files:

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    That's cool. I'm curious though, how did you export the .ico as 256x256? Whenever I try in GIMP, it doesn't give me an option besides 32x32. You did export to .ico in GIMP, right?
    --- merged: Mar 5, 2011 10:37 PM ---
    Ahh. Never mind. I got it. Turns out when I saw the number 32, I immediately concluded it meant resolution. WRONG. I successfully created a 256x256 icon of "the Bukkit.
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    Yes, I did use GIMP to save it as an .ico and it asked me what color depth I wanted (32bpp being the maximum) but never size. I don't think .ico can have a size limit considering it's still an image format, but rather what the OS is able to display.

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    Hi all,

    I took your (awesome) icon and converted it to a Finder-friendly .icns file for all those mac people out there who dig dialed server-start alias' like me ;). Bukkit won't let me upload it as an attechment though, so here is a link that should remain good for a few years: http://evansharp.ca/bin/bukkit.icns

    There is also http://evansharp.ca/bin/bukkit.ico for windows people who need the .ico.
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    I love the Windows desktop icon for Bukkit. I am using it to replace the boring .bat file on my desktop. I like how the icon also shows up on the top left corner of the shell terminal window. Thank you for sharing this. Great job.
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    is this icon allowed for commercial use? would like to use it as icon for a "bukkit manager" application that i'm writing
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