Check for donation

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by cjburkey01, Mar 14, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, I'm new so I'm not sure if this goes here but yeah. How do I check if someone donates over paypal and then give them 64 diamonds?
  2. Offline


    Well, you have a few options:
    1. Do it manually. Obviously this wouldn't work out well for larger servers but I did it for a while and it was fine. Just make sure you don't take people's word for it when they say they've donated; people have tried to trick me many times with this. :rolleyes:
    2. If you have a website and are willing to do a bit of figuring things out, you could use WebSend.
    3. Another option is BuyCraft. This is much like WebSend except that everything is handled for you by BuyCraft instead of having to configure your own store setup. I currently use this but many of its features require paying for a premium membership monthly. It's worth checking out though, and you can create up to 3 donation "packages" without a payed membership.
    Good luck ;)
  3. Offline


    If you use Enjin (which it seems most Minecraft servers are using these days), it has a built in shopping system.

    If not, Buycraft is your best bet.
    machogamzer likes this.
  4. Offline


    PayPal sends me an email when a player donates. Since my phone is tied to my email, I get notifications right away. Only snag is if the player forgets to include their playername in the NOTES area. I need to then login to the server and verify who just donated. Thats ok anyway. I need to give them their goodies anyway.
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