How can servers be running 1.5 already?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by fury0n, Mar 13, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Explain please, I'm confused lol
  2. Offline


    I'm going to make my server temporarily 1.5 without Bukkit.
    It could either become funny as hell, or really crashy, but interesting non the less.
  3. Offline


    Every update the same posts, each and every update.

    What do you even mean? Of course there are 1.5 servers out there, Mojang releases their server jar with every client update, on the same minute. Not to mention the snapshots.
  4. Offline


    So true :)

    On a side note: There's some shady hacks available to open your server for 1.5 clients, but it'll cause loads of issues.
  5. Offline


    i know a million people have asked this.....Why is it so hard for Mojang and Bukkit to work together to coincide their release dates for major updates? I'm not trying to come down on you guys, I love the work you do for the community but it doesnt make sense to me seeing as how you have people that work at mojang that work on the main code for the game....wouldn't they have advanced knowledge and be able to prep. I just think the community at large would be better off if Mojang and bukkit worked together and released on the same day, seeing as how most server owners use bukkit and when an update happens they cant use it any way.
  6. Offline


    There is LITERALLY nothing that Mojang could do that would make the Bukkit update process work any faster. What you're asking for is an API built internally, which is on it's way, but this is the way Bukkit works. I don't know if it's simple to explain it to someone who doesn't code the process and why it's not as simple as you're spelling it out.

    Oh, also, Bukkit is a community open-source project, not some corporate invention. The Bukkit project is updated by the community for the community, and it still needs testing from the community regardless of when it is updated. Even if Bukkit was updated exactly when the release came out, it would likely be just as long for an RB simply because of Bukkit's nature.
    bobbysoslo likes this.
  7. Offline


    So is there a CraftBukkit 1.5 or not
  8. Offline


    There is no Bukkit out for 1.5 and any servers claiming to have it are lying or have illegitimate copies that are not truly updated. The updates are always posted on when they are done.
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