game server leaderboards

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jelluh24, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I am looking for some sort of leaderboard plugin for my game server. I have games like survivalgames, pvp arena and spleef on my server and everytime someone wins a game he gets a diamond. My idea is a leaderboard for who has the most diamonds, so that everyone can see who won the most games. Does this plugin already excist or does anyone want to make it for me?
  2. Offline


    Not done yet, but the next improvement for BattleTracker is leaderboard signs. Once that is done any plugin using BattleArena, (spleef, ctf, paintball, soccer, zombie hoard) will also have the signs available.

    I keep saying soon, but honestly probably in a couple of days to a week.
    lDucks likes this.

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