What did I miss?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by 61352151511, Jan 9, 2013.

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    Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation on a server and then it crashes, or your internet cuts out and you can't get on the server for a while. Or you just want to see what people were talking about before you joined? I know I have experienced all these things. That's what "What did I miss?" Will be for. It will log 10 lines of the chat and doing /recentchat will show you the past 10 messages sent. There could even be a config file so that you can change how many lines are recorded and shown on /recentchat. I don't know how to code myself which is why I am requesting this plugin, if anyone knows how to make it please give it a try. I think it would be a great plugin for many people to have.
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    I dont really know a good way to do this, but only thing I can think of is to log the chat to a file.. but that'd cause some lag in busy servers.
  3. Offline


    really nice idea. ill try to do it later... (12 hours)
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    I guess you could look at the server log ^__^
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    My server log isn't working, so I couldn't even test it.. and you never know if someone else has the same problem :p
    MrBluebear3 likes this.
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