All letter to lowercase

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by gabessdsp, Dec 29, 2012.

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    So I want to convert a users arguments into lowercase. Is there function in Java that does this?

    A player has the the username: UserPluERf56789

    That can be very hard to remember. So when an admin types /lastOn userpluERF56789

    it still works because everything is changed to lowercase anyway.

    How do I do this?

    ConvertToLower(args[0]); ???
  2. Offline


    Use .equalsIgnoreCase which does exactly what it sounds like.
  3. Offline


    but what nashor said is better.
    gabessdsp likes this.
  4. Offline


    I'm not doing commands.....I know how to ignore the case, I want to convert the usernames I save into my config to lowercase.
    Thanks for this it does exactly what I needed!
  5. Offline


    Did you even try
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