Marshall Law

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ajack38, Dec 24, 2012.

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    I have a feeling that this may be possible due to how WorldGuard can block commands.

    Plugin category:
    Admin Tools

    Suggested name:
    Marshall Law

    What I want:
    I was hoping for a plugin where you could impose "Marshall Law", and disable certain commands when bugs are found. i.e. Bug is found in Factions, it will allow you to disable any command, in this case the whole /f command and subcommands, to block factions from making each other enemies or claiming land.

    In the config file you should be able to make an unlimited amount of "Laws".

    Ideas for commands:
    /ml (shows list of commands that the plugin provides)
    /ml list (Shows a list of Laws that have been created, 10 Laws per page. Each law is subject to a ID)
    /ml info [ID] (Shows name of the Law, Commands that it blocks, possible description.)
    /ml enforce [ID] ) (Activates a certain law)
    /ml (deforce, disable, forego(Not sure of good names))

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by:
    Doesn't matter, but hopefully by mid January.
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  3. Offline


    It's "Martial" Law, not "Marshall" law.

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