How to disable chat from combining messages?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by IdealIdeas, Oct 27, 2012.

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    Whenever I do a command or chat 2 times or more, instead of posting a new message on the chat panel it instead just adds [x2] [x3] and so on and it gets really annoying when you are trying to use commands that will verify if you specified something.

    Like when I use Server Signs plugin and I add a command it will tell me to right click a sign to add the command and then when I select a sign it will say command is binded to the sign. Well then if I add another command to that sign instead of saying it was binded to the sign it instead just adds a [x2] to the previous confirmation message thus preventing me from seeing in the chat that the command was binded, unless I open the chat panel and see if there is a [x2] by that confirmation.

    Now I only use Essentials Chat, ChatControl, and colorme for plugins that mess with chat.

    Is this a standard bukkit feature? is it one of these 3 plugins?
    How the hell do I disable it?
  2. Offline


    no help at all?
  3. Offline


    oh, so you use nodus?
  4. Offline


    It's the NODUS client that does this.
    Gunnerrrrr likes this.
  5. Offline


    You can turn this off in the nodus config. It's in your minecraft folder.
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