Help with use of Block 36

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by monster860, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I am making an elevator plugin that uses Block 36. I am using block 36 so that I have a smooth transition. The problem is, that the block acts like the tile entity is missing client-side. Is this fixable? and if it is, how do you fix it?

    public void moveOneDown() {
            for (int x = elevatorX; x <= elevatorX + elevatorWidth; x++)
                for (int y = elevatorY; y <= elevatorY + elevatorHeight; y++)
                    for (int z = elevatorZ; z <= elevatorZ + elevatorDepth; z++)
                        Block block = world.getBlockAt(x,y,z);
                        Block block1 = world.getBlockAt(x,y - 1,z);
                        if (block.getTypeId() != 0)
                            TileEntityPiston tep;
                            int id = block.getTypeId();
                            byte data = block.getData();
                            block.setTypeIdAndData(0, (byte)0, true);
                            block1.setTypeIdAndData(36, (byte)4, true);
                            CraftBlock cb = (CraftBlock)block;
                            CraftChunk cc = (CraftChunk)cb.getChunk();
                            net.minecraft.server.World nmsw = cc.getHandle().world;
                            tep = new TileEntityPiston(id, data, 2, true, true);
                            nmsw.setTileEntity(x, y - 1, z, tep);
        public void moveOneUp() {
            for (int x = elevatorX; x <= elevatorX + elevatorWidth; x++)
                for (int y = elevatorY + elevatorHeight; y >= elevatorY; y--)
                    for (int z = elevatorZ; z <= elevatorZ + elevatorDepth; z++)
                        Block block = world.getBlockAt(x,y,z);
                        Block block1 = world.getBlockAt(x,y + 1,z);
                        if (block.getTypeId() != 0)
                            TileEntityPiston tep;
                            int id = block.getTypeId();
                            byte data = block.getData();
                            block.setTypeIdAndData(0, (byte)0, true);
                            block1.setTypeIdAndData(36, (byte)4, true);
                            CraftBlock cb = (CraftBlock)block;
                            CraftChunk cc = (CraftChunk)cb.getChunk();
                            net.minecraft.server.World nmsw = cc.getHandle().world;
                            tep = new TileEntityPiston(id, data, 1, true, true);
                            nmsw.setTileEntity(x, y + 1, z, tep);
  2. monster860 Why re-create the wheel instead of helping improving V10lift?

    Also I don't think what you want to do is possible. AFAIK (correct me if I'm wrong) block 36 is always invisible, just holding a copy of the original block while the client renders the moving animation triggered by the piston.

    I have another idea for smooth movement, but as it seems like you're developing a direct concurrency plugin to V10lift I won't tell you. Also I don't have the time to implement it in V10Lift atm. :(
  3. Offline


    Can I guess that your idea is to use falling sand blocks?

    Besides, you should give your plugin a less obscure name if you want people to find it if they're looking for an elevator.
  4. Offline


    Actually, "lift" is a commonly-used term in various countries for the device known in the US as an "elevator". This is an international community, remember :)
    ZeusAllMighty11 and fireblast709 like this.
  5. monster860 Something like that, yes. And I'm from germay, we say "Lift" or "Aufzug" here. Didn't know that this wasn't known in US.
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