Dropping ingot from dirt?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Matthewadams, Nov 21, 2012.


Is this the new bukkit or new release?

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    Hello, I got a problem.. I need to know what plugin this is, When i digg in the dirt. in creative / survival / adventure, I get 1 iron ingot.. it randomlly pops out from some of the dirt.. Please i need help so i can remove this plugin, It drops Iron ingot from dirt. Thank you..
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    It would really help us narrow it down if you actually listed your plugins. From off the top of my head it may be mcmmo. Do you have that? If not, list your plugins. :)
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    Heres my plugin list,
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    I'm experiencing this as well and do not have MCmmo. Just got a report from a player that got a drop from a vine as well....curious what would be handling these drops.
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    If you can't figure out which plugin is causing that issue, do the following:

    1. Stop your server
    2. Move the first plugin out of the plugin folder.
    3. Start your server, take a look of that problem still exists
    4. Stop your server.

    Repeat tasks 2-4 with all the other plugins as well, till you found out which plugin caused that problem.
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