[SECURITY QUESTION] Blocking players from joining

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jeepman32, Oct 27, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    I know WhiteList isn't that secure so;
    How do I block all outside players from my server (as in anyone who tries to join will be deflected)?
  2. Offline


    How do you mean, whitelist isn't so secure? It totally is, as long as you're in online-mode=true.
  3. Offline


    I have heard and seen first hand too many stories/incidents where a client is used to bypass the Whitelist system.
  4. Offline


    Impossible. At least, impossible with online-mode=true.
  5. Offline


    If you don't mind telling me, how would it be impossible?
  6. Offline


    whitelist blocks all connections from all players unless that player's minecraft name is on the allowed list. Now, if online-mode= false, then all someone has to do is change their name to someone who is whitelisted. If online-mode= true, then you cannot change your minecraft username, making it impossible :/. Unless someone steals that person's minecraft password, its secure.
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    I think you should be telling us how it is possible to bypass. I am fairly certain anyone with experience will tell you that you cannot bypass the whitelist if you are running on online mode true server.
  9. Offline


    No, you haven't seen first hand any such thing, because there is no such thing. Unless you just outed yourself as running a cracked server which of course is a huge security hole and also not supported on Bukkit.
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