Easy UNIVERSAL Claming Plugin - Can be used anywhere

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Kyrofox, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Just a simple claiming plugin in which a user could type /claim toggle and toggle claiming on, then place a gold block to claim a 9 by 9 by infinite space, then upon removal of the block, it would remove the claimed space.

    Simple features would just be to add people to your claims by simply standing inside one, and then typing /claim add <username> or removing by just typing /claim remove <username>.

    If you wanted to get all fancy, you could have a /claim addall <username> or a /claim removeall <name> if you wanted to add a user to all of your claims, or remove one from all. This could work in conjunction with removeuser, so for instance...

    One other thing- people would not be allowed to claim over another person's claims, for obvious reasons.
  2. Whats this?
    Is this the whole introduction for the plugin?
    Why won't you just link the link to them instead of wasting this whole space?
  3. Offline


    Stop following me
  4. I'm not, i'm just roaming the forums? I have been roaming this forum for around 5 - 6 months .....
  5. Offline


    And i did this because clicking a link is 1 more button press
  6. So? As you can read Kid, i said this.
  7. Offline


    Seriously though, thats like spamming the whole forum. Can't you just post a link instead?

    Also that plugin idea is like not even half of what I was saying. Mine is really terribly simple, and credit systems suck as well. I would say I was willing to pay to have mine made, but bukkit would be mad at me.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
    GravedigginSearchBar likes this.
  8. Thank you, finally someone who listens
  9. Offline


    You wasted even more space with you little reply
  10. How? I actually told you what to do, by not copying everything and pasting it on here, you should regret saying that. Of how the way you thinking is how did you register on this forums? Or did someone did it for you?
  11. Offline


    You need to go back to school I can't understand wtf that means *grammer*
  12. Well at least i have some common sense in me unlike some kid sitting around on there computer talking shit and throwing out those words ....:cool:
  13. Offline


    1. atleast <-- Spelling error "at least"
    2. Well, <----No comma
  14. Offline


    I approve of this post, although you did not mention there/their
  15. Offline


    Dude, "grammar". Dumbass, spell right
    GravedigginSearchBar likes this.
  16. Lol, Nice catch.

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