GroupManager Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ChompShadow, Oct 8, 2012.

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    Hello, I currently have GroupManager as my permissions plugin. I want every single world to have the same permissions as the main world. Those permissions are in the groups.yml of that world and also in the globalgroups.yml except with a "g:" before the group name. So in basic, I just want all other world's permissions/users to be the same as the main world without editing every time I make a new world. Another problem is, I have a world where it is strictly hardcore. It has few commands unlike in the main world and only ops can use all the commands. The problem is, how can I make all worlds use the main world's permissions and users without having to add a new world to the mirror every time, and how I can do that without including the hardcore world.

    Sorry for the repetitiveness and any confusion.
  2. Offline


    theres no "mirror all" function yet. stick with current manual mirroring and mirror hardcore world users.yml only.
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