Finding out how many of a certain item a player has

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hoolean, Sep 2, 2012.

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    How to find out how many of a certain item a player has? E.g. Find out how many emeralds is in a players inventory.
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    or this
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    I'm not sure if that is quite what he is looking for because doesn't that only get the amount in that specific slot? I think he wants the total in the entire inventory? I quickly whipped up this method that I think will do the trick.

    public int getAmountInInventory(Player player, int itemId)
        int total = 0;
        for(ItemStack is : player.getInventory())
            if(is.getTypeId == itemId)
                total += is.getAmount();
        return total;
    However I cannot promise you that this will work right out of the box. I haven't tested it and because I accidentally put something else on my clipboard, I just typed all that out in the forum code paster thingy manually XD

    I'm pretty sure that foreach loop works, but again, I haven't really tested it so if it doesn't give this a try:
    for(ItemStack is : player.getInventory().getContents())
    This is the way I know of that would work. I went through the inventory api, and there doesn't seem to be any methods that return the amount of the item in the ENTIRE inventory. But perhaps I read something wrong. I woke up 10 minutes go lol
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