HELP! With Essentials build permission!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by X8ReaperZ, Sep 1, 2012.

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    Hi, im having this major problem with my minecraft server for 4 days now the problem im having is with the build permissions (build: false) ill explain a little better. What im trying to make on my server is 3 worlds the main city world with shops pvp arena etc. which i have. and 2 other worlds where players can build pvp and non pvp. The problem im having atm is, i want to give the permission for players that are in the main city world to not be able to build at all but can still interact with doors, leavers, and preasure plates etc. Ive set spawn radius to 0 in bukkit.yml file and ive even set the build to false yet players can still BUILD!! PLS HELP!!!!!
  2. Offline


    You may want to install worldguard and worldedit and set a region for your main town then do /region flag <id> use allow and they will not be able to build unless they are an owner or member of that region but can still use doors.
  3. Offline


    yeh but can i set this region for the hole world? because this world i dont want any1 to build.
  4. Offline


    I believe so. I don't use multiverse so I'm not sure how worldguard interacts with it.
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    what permissions plugin are you using? if you're using bPermissions, then a separate world folder with separate users and group permissions gets made in the bPermissions folder located in the plugins folder (don't know about other permission plugins). Make sure your mirror.yml is not set to mirror your first world permissions to the other worlds, so every world gets their own permissions.
  6. Offline


    Thankyou so much! i used world guard theres a command that protects the hole world :D
  7. Offline


    GM/essentialsprotect antibuild blocks all kinds of world interaction. try prerelease or use another world protect plugin
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