:( Can't Leave server or it appears offline

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by fistofmetal, Aug 14, 2012.

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    hi... i've been having this problem for weeks.... its really getting on my nerves....
    the problem is -
    when i leave my server, players can join it for 5 minutes before getting socketed out multiple times and then finally giving up. or sometimes doesnt show at all...

    ..however when i log in from the adress ip adress i am using, everything works perfect.
    so now when i go to bed or leave for a while i have to leave my player logged on as afk and its very annoying. i am so confused. i really need help.
    its not firewall problems...
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    Never heard of anything like this before. A server doesn't care if you are on it or not.

    Couldn't it be that your computer simply goes into sleep mode after so and so many minutes, and that shuts down the process?
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    no... i could be on another server comlpetely then nobody will be able to play it..
  4. Offline


    Have you correctly portforwarded?

    Sounds like you might have used port triggering instead which would cause this issue you're mentioning.
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    how do i "port forward" instead of port trigger?
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