No Diamonds.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Hypnosoh, Aug 11, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Alright I have a weird problem. I told everyone on my server that I was going to restart to take advantage of the new 1.3.1 features. Everyone was chomping at the bit to have the server back up so before the recommended build came out I noticed they had a dev build so I downloaded and restarted. I now have the recommended build. The thing is there are no diamonds anywhere on my server. Believe me we have searched for hours. All other minerals are available but no diamonds. They either don't exist or are so rare we can't find any after hours of exploring. Is there a solution to this without restarting my world again, Thanks.
  2. Offline


    So you checked with x-ray and so on?
    Well, then, I guess a new map would help.
  3. Offline


    Didn't know about X-ray. I used it and what do you know there are diamonds. Thanks.
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