Item in inventory gives permissions.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MikuPL, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: SEC, ADMN

    Suggested name: ItemPermissions

    Like the topic. Is is possible to give certain permissions only when a player have a specific item in inventory? E.g. if player has got a diamond and stick, he receives permission '' but if he will put it in a chest, permission is taken from him. I need it as exclude from NoCheat to allow people with jetpacks (Tekkit) to bypass fly check only, when having it in inventory.

    When I'd like it by: as soon as possible.
    EvilNucca likes this.
  2. Offline


    Great idea
  3. Offline


    I would be very interested in something like this also.. Would work nicely with a idea I am working on for our adventure server please if someone does this contact me..
  4. Offline


    This would depend on what permission system you are using and what minecraft version
  5. Offline


    I personally use bperms but can use Pex . I believe the Idea here is to take the Permissions Plugin out of the picture or to just bypass it by holding an item I have seen stuff like this in the MineZ servers where holding a shovel let you break webs or holding an EnderEye let you use a chat system. I just believe it would be an interesting addition to a very extravagant production I am working on.

    declanmc96 Looking at the plugins you have done and what you were working on makes me wonder if you had anything to do with MineZ. I would like to chat with you about somethings Post Apocalypse in particular. If you use Skype you can add EvilNucca or you can stop by our Teamspeak3 server anytime

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  6. Offline


    I am not involve with the MineZ team or have anything to do with them. But yeah I'll speak to you on Skype I've added you.

    Also I decided against doing post apocalypse as no one showed any real interest. But I would be willing to try and do it again for your server if you wanted it for your server?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  7. Offline


    I can try this. What permissions plugin are you using?
  8. Offline


    You could probably create an oninventoryswitch listener and give permissions as long as the items is selected, then remove it when switched out.
  9. Offline



    /* the permissions-API witch vault provides */
    privat permissions p = null;
    public void onEnable()
      getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(this,this.onTick()), 0, 24000);
    privater void onTick()
    foreach(Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers())
      if(player.getInventory().contains(Material.AITEM) && player.getInventory.contains(Material.ANOTHERITEM))
      p.addPlayer(player ,"A.PERMISSION";

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