multiple characters per server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by bluehasia, Apr 9, 2012.

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    is there a plugin that can alow a single person to play on a server and be able to change, basicly charaters.

    example im wanting to set up races on my server with restrictions per race and perks . but i let my players have a chance to play them all. think of it like in WOW you have one user account but you can create multiple toons for your different play styles.
  2. Offline


    I'll answer this since it hasn't been answered already:

    Minecraft player accounts are handled by Mojang's servers. To modify how they work (ie. multiple players per account), you would have to modify the client & server to redirect them to a spoofed server. God knows how the auth server actually works, but it wouldn't be worth the time and effort. You might also end up with a lawsuit (and a game of quake 3).
  3. Offline


    set online mode = false and use crack clients :)
  4. Offline


    The Heroes mod allows you to create classes, and switch between them at-will. I don't think this is exactly what you want, but it may work.
  5. Offline


    Uhm his question didn't say anything about multiple usernames, it could easily be done with display names and a class system like mentioned above. No need for crack clients or auth servers lol
  6. Offline


    Doesn't mobdisguise do this?
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