
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jordanwhite, Apr 3, 2012.

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    Hello, I began working on a plugin tool, and was wondering if it a good idea and if I should continue.

    Visual Basic Program:
    Creates Permissions Config:
    -Can be changed in settings to accomodate different permission plugins
    -Can be saved to edit "config files later"
    -can import simple Node Databases (text file basically with a list of nodes)
    -can import advance Node Databases (node name and description of node effect)
    -can do world permissions
    -export as YML command
    -Create new permission levels

    So far i have a good start on this project. I got databases for basic nodes, (almost done advance node database) I have node selection, and just about permission level selection for each set of nodes.

    Should I continue or is it not worth making? Any suggestions?
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    This would be so useful, it's not even funny.
    How far are you into it?
  3. Offline


    i got quite a bit of it done. The sorting the permissions nodes, saving the databases. Im just kinda stuck at formatting YML. I will get it soon tho
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    so it seems like this application wouldnt be to popular.. i guess if no one else likes it I will stop before I waste my time
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    i was thinking the exact same idea - only i was thinking of a website portion where plugin devs can sign up, and post permissions files, that they can then update. and the permissions tool would then check the database to get the latest permission nodes.
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    If you think it wouldn't be popular, I can guarantee you over at mcforum, there would be around 5000+ people who would use it. (That's not even an exaggeration).
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