Home protection

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by scutr, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Is there a simpel plugin for area protection ?

    Say a player makes a HOME (1 or 10 dosnt matter). The erea (for example) 10 blocks in every direction is protected so only the owner can build or breake in that area . Some Config would be nice :​
    * How many places each player can protect​
    * How big protection erea​

    I know about Worldgard, but looking for a smal, simpel plugin
    Can anyone help me please......​
  2. Offline


    WorldGuard is not a pretty good pluggin but for you I have an even better one for you: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/preciousstones/

    It is called Precious stones! There is a lot of possibility with it! In the config.yml, everything is configurable, ex: the area protected by a city protection, etc etc
  3. Offline


    There is also ARG which is pretty nice. You will have to get the updated version that is floating around though since the developer abandoned it.
  4. Offline


    Check Out ProtectionStones its very lightweight and doen't include as much bloat as PreciousStones
  5. Thank you very mutch .
    Been looking for ever and havent fond someting good.
    Precious stones works perfect for my use :)
    Thanks again

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