I understand that this thread is a little bit dead, by the server i am an administrator on recently ran into a problem similar to this. While we...
Actually, a # in java will screw you badly. try putting that in eclipse and text after that, it will hate you. the # adds a comment in .yml, which...
Could you please post what these errors are? its pretty hard to fix if we dont know what screwed up. 09:28:10 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Version...
well it sorta works
so the 1060 version of VA has errors? aww :( is it possible they will somehow be fixed later?
can you please fix the hover thing? it makes you repeatedly bounce... also, when i use VoxelAir on my 1060 server, when underwater, i get...
now that is VERY welcome sir!:)
yea i used this before i stopped my server and before 1060 came out, and undo never did work... will the update be 100% 1060 compatable? i'm...
can you please update this to work with 1060?
i had gotten the same error as Rsccman, but i just downloaded it as vanilla, as i only wanted to look at the config file (i dont run my server...
Does Bukkit also support mods? i know that plugins have alot of great features, but there is a mod that lets you add custom audio to your server....
I havent been on the forums lately, but i tested an fixed your problem, here is the file: just copy everything from it and paste it under the last...
What you need to do, is when you hit enter, hit backspace until you are at the first space of the line, then hit space to the spot that the text...
For the water effects, does that need to be an ability put onto a hero/spec? or is it by default on?
Yes, as RightLegRed stated earlier, summon is not currently working :(. i had some other questions that i replaced with fixed it, and then forgot...
Separate names with a comma.