Thank you so much! That solved it!
My main class isn't called Fe, no. I'm accessing this API.class from the plugin Fe-Economy and I've tried putting my main class but didn't work.
Hello! This might seem like a noob question but my mind is kind of turned off today and I can't figure this out. I want to access this class from...
Hello. I have a .yml file for every player that stores a players score in a minigame. How can I iterate through all these files and check who has...
Finally! Thank you so much I'll try it out and check if there are any errors. If there are then I'll re-post here. Works and I don't have any...
No that's not the problem, anyone? :/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
No don't use "" use ''. for example: '%prefix%player%suffix: %message'
For which part? Please be more specific. Anyone? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello. I've been trying to send a message to the player in a certain zone, it worked but the problem is it spams it every time he moves in that...
Anyone...? Please?
Oh crap not NMS ;/ I'll try the best I can do then get back to you. chasechocolate can you please help me? I know you are very experienced a...
No, there's point 2, to make snowmen hostile. Thanks for replying :D
Anyone please? Oh yeah thanks :) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello, I currently have 2 questions. Let me explain what I'm trying to do. I want to spawn in a snowman when a command is executed and then edit...
A tutorial by xTrollxDudex! thank you so much! (best tutorials)
Separate names with a comma.