Crud41 Did you even read his request? Essentials has a global cooldown to give any user, and gives to option to exempt based on permissions. He...
There is a plugin called LWC that allows you to limit the number of chests people can lock based on their permission group. I suggest you take a...
Aaahhh, touche. Thanks
Updated it for you. Download link:!FNsViTLI!VO8LsBQolrAJwN-RUhTihW49UKUDO7fMAngFmgSR34I Source:...!8ZFRhLLa!WoYOFmetwTy-iPj8qmlj7TWUr10RB3aVzA6Upp7Wslo There is the file download, and here is the source:...
I'll make it for you, I'll edit my post in a bit with the .jar
Tweaked it. Just informing people that, if the Dev hasn't responded to any questions in either thread for roughly a month, it is more than likely...
Dev hasn't responded in about a month. I would suggest perhaps looking elsewhere for one that is more active.
I Second this, this would be an amazing addition.
@ZNickq Oh wow, that's awesome! Any plans to add something like a, move to x,y,z coordinate, or use an item/chest at x,y,z coordinate type...
@tips48 @RPGWorld Any progress updates ? :D
@RPGWorld @tips48 Awesome to hear you guys are making good progress, It's fine if it doesn't support Citizens, as long as there is a way to have...
You said there would be an alpha build in the near future ? I'd be interested in testing it out if it can support Citizens NPCs.
@Randy Schouten Can you PLEASE update this to work with a dev Build of Citizens ? It gives an error when trying to interact with an NPC.
@RugRats @RPGWorld With this plugin, is there currently anyway to it so people can only do a quest once ?
Separate names with a comma.