Nop, still the same issue xD
Thank you for the quick fix!
Using last version of CB i get "Connection closing, EOF in channel reached"
When you do String.replace() you gotta use the string that the function returns. String replaced1 = message.replace("<name>", "MyName"); String...
Actually they won't get their map corrupted,because i bet they have a dummy block by doing Block.byId[...] = new Block(...)
WRONG! https://github.com/Wolftein/RockyPlugin/commit/8b8a8022e127260b630c1e61838646afd309ef38 Everything is possible, the server could send...
I Just saw this, you should look at my plugin!. (Check the source code in github). My plugin does this, if the client is vanilla, then it will...
If you want custom thing before ModAPI comes out, you may check this http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/wip-rocky-future-mp-modding.105885/
Minecraft doesn't support chunk cache, they will need to do something about this. The server always sends the chunk even if it wasn't change
Actually this idea is already done by a server called Mine4Treak Custom level/experience system + custom combat system (Magic, Physical, Caos...
Separate names with a comma.