Its the same concept and peterarenot911 is busy with it...
Plugin category: Informational Suggested name: DCSigns What I want: I want to have signs with number of deaths of each player. Ideas for commands:...
You need PermissionsBridge plugin and add the permission nodes in PermissionsBukkit with "superpermbridge." for the permissions. Awesome game, i...
Ok, I have a problem that super-break commands still can demolish a protected area. So it is not possible to disable /foo in a area without using...
Can you disable commands in a Residence area?
Console output: "[mChat] Permissions not found, Checking for GroupManager" PermissionsBukkit v1.2 and PermissionsBridge v1.2 installed.
What is the permission node for use portals?
Compatibility with the Economy plugins:D
Stupid question maybe, what is the permissions node for using the portals.
The comments in the file ""
Please make your comments english!
Yes i am looking there, the config.yml is empty for me
When i use /weather commands i get the follow error: "Lightning is disabled" or "Weather is disabled". Its not disabled in the config. Running:...
What is the container flag?
Separate names with a comma.