The first question I would ask is, have you actually promoted people out of the default group that GroupManager puts them in? If not then that's...
add --nojline to your run.bat/launch.bat
What command line options are you using to start the server? It may simply be that craftbukkit thinks it can use the RAM it is when it gets...
nolagg has a command to tell you what plugins are taking the most time
At a guess your world is corrupt, try loading it in MCEdit and re-saving it and see if that helps
Worldguard can block building globally, but you have to use the global region /region flag __global__ build deny
Uhh, you can't turn a USB stick into RAM, you could possibly turn it into swap space, but that won't help you make it faster. If you need more...
You'll likely have HDD speed issues at the very least if any of the servers have many people. If they are all very lightly loaded (5 users each)...
Just add one IP address each into the for each server you want to run. Each server will bind only to the IP address you have in...
At least for warp they need - essentials.warp.* unless you have per warp permissions, and then they need permissions to those warps specified
Firstly, post config files either in code tages, or using or equivilent. Pasting it as you have loses all the spaces, which are...
You have tabs in your config files around line 107, convert them to spaces
Have you ever been able to do this? As far as I know it's impossible, the /give command doesn't work like that and never has. It doesn't even...
With the spacing gone it's impossible to tell, also the errors you get on startup would tell you (and us) exactly what the errors are, however the...
The file called in the screenshot above IS the file you edit with notepad to change the world and IP
Separate names with a comma.