debug test succeeded. it's running the code.
I have another If statement that uses the same UUID to send a custom greeting, and i do get the greeting. so i'm sure it works.
@MasterDoctor why can't I rename myself to "TooFoo Bar"? Does it not work with my own user because i'm the one tabbing?
what's wrong in the first one? a UUID is just a byte array. the second one was my fault the third one is wrong:...
Hello, all I have a plugin that has the following in the event handler: @EventHandler public void PlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent plyEvt){...
both of those methods do not work in 1.8, sadly...
Hello! I wanted to know more about packet meddling. I was going to create a server with true anonymity in a closed community. To do that, I want...
@timtower wait, isn't this bukkit development? why was this moved?
of course. And it's depreciated. so do we know if it'll keep being updated? getting a stack now. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not scheduled...
so when I want to stop the Bukkit runnable do I call the cancel method, or do I have to manually cancel it like above? edit: also, If I override...
the block Ignite is for when blocks are set on fire, i beleive. If you want to cancel the damage, You'll want to use...
Hello All. I have a plugin that sets up repeating events that self-terminate. However, the events don't seem to stop, and remain in memory. I can...
I'm sure this will happen again at some point, in a different form. Nonetheless, good catch! Alright, I'm sleep deprived, bear with me on this...
hello, I have trying to block enderchests on my creative world for a long time now. I have tried the following: - switching the permissions order...
anyone else??? i'm still not sure the cause.
Separate names with a comma.