The duration is in server ticks, you are applying the effect for half a second. Also, getEntity() in the ProjectileHitEvent returns the...
tommycake50 If you have "Usage:" in your plugin.yml for your commands, returning false will return the usage in the plugin.yml To the OP, I...
If you get that Arrow, you can use arrow.getShooter() to check who shot it! Could be a player, could be a skeleton!? if(e.getDamager()...
No worries! Make sure to check its a potion first!
ItemStack stack = //... your stack Collection<PotionEffect> fx = Potion.fromItemStack(stack).getEffects(); willeb96
PogoStick29 Check the source, if it can stop/start then it is most likely communicating with the server in a way you want to for commands.
If you are not familiar with Python, you could also check the Remote tool kit here:...
PlayerMoveEvent is very intensive, I'm pretty sure even a thread that checks every tick is still less frequent then the PlayerMoveEvent. That...
Elimnator You can't afaik.
A line of text on a sign is 15 chars max long. "Players: " 9 chars. ChatColor.YELLOW 2 chars, players probably 1-2 chars, ChatColor.BLACK 2 chars,...
Oh, I think I know what you mean now. You cant stop chat chars from being seen as a char. So ChatColor.BLACK or my method, or your ยง0 will still...
Use event.setLine(3, ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',"&e" + players + "&0/&e" + maxplayers + " &0Online");
What about the checks at the end of onEnable?
tommycake50 Have you tried adding debug in your GameManager constructor, also at the end of your onEnable method to check the GameManager instance...
Whats the constructor for your GameManager class?
Separate names with a comma.