What you prefer to be called: Breezeyboy/Bree and Beep_Nitro/Beep On a scale of 1-10, what you would rate your experience with Java: Bree: 4...
Dont forget WorldEdit
Please leave 12h before bumping! Also, you need to lean java & the bukkit API
So im starting on a plugin but im getting an error, Here the error & code: Error: 2013-01-20 19:24:54 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version...
McMyAdmin does this aswell!
We are not in Codename_B 50lines fo code & thats very messy, i douth it will make it on bukkitdev
you would need more then 20lines
Its not an issue with java! Its when the minecraft auth servers are offline (you can check if they are on/offline here: help.mojang.com
he looking for a plugin to make it when you hit tnt is goes off : Im sure there was one called OldSchoolTnT
Ill give it a go
Sorry i ment i use this.getCommand
Separate names with a comma.