Title says it all. I know that offline mode is occasionally used so that pirated clients may join, but moderators seem to take it quite far....
I think that actually you should be able to just cancel the event and set health back to 20.
@RingOfStorms Oh dang that's inconvenient. I never realised that. I thought that the whole 'entity effect' idea only applied to very specific...
So, as this does not work with firework sparks, how does the server make the colored particles for actual fireworks? There must be more hidden...
Try cart1.teleport(cart1.getLocation().setYaw(90)); I think that .getLocation() returns a new copy of the location, and any modifications don't...
Off topic kinda: What is it with different people using . # and :: interchangably in Java when it's not actually in a block of code?
Take a look through how PowerMining does it:...
@MordorKing78 1. Keep stuff tidy 2. Good 3. There's much better ways to do this. Can't check right now, but someone is bound to say here in the...
Can't you just directly link to Vault? As far as I remember, they have an API built in.
First of all you need to put that under the line where you check if the player has the permission.
@XXLuigiMario Why would one wish to take up multiple lines to tell a player why they've been teleported? Anyway, I believe it may be an...
@Luflexed you also need to check if the command sender is a player. This will throw an error if the console or a command block executes /spec.
@XXLuigiMario Why do you use a list if it's just one string?
I'm trying to regenerate a large number of chunks, using two for loops, scheduling to regenerate each chunk with 2 ticks between them. The issue...
Can someone please link to the latest update on the situation?
Separate names with a comma.