Is the https-issue fixed yet?
What you can do: Claim a small region ( like a block or 4) with the wand (//wand), then just expand the area 100000000 (or something ) in every...
Which code? Also, I am running a linux machine.
Why would I need that ? :confused: Nevermind. I successfully updated to java 7, everything is doing fine. :) Thank you all.
I guess that's the wrong category for your problem, this one should be fine:
It's because you have got so many plugins. Some plugins are very performance intensive.
Ok, I will try to update today. We will see...
So I just install java 7 and then remove java 6 and run my server?
Yeah, but... what are the benefits of java7 ? It is the newer version though..
I know some people running their server on java 7.. so.. no.
Hello, I just have got a small question that I did not find much about on google. I am currenlty running my bukkit server with java6 and wonder if...
Just try it out, that's the way you learn things.
I am not really into this stuff but I think it's possible when you give individual permission-nodes per world. If you're using/want to use...
That's all the information you should give: Just with a...
I would contact the plugin developer / support for that, because I think hardly anyone will know that much about this plugin-error here.
Separate names with a comma.