i have added more stuff, but if more is needed ask :)
Plugin category: Mech/Fun Suggested name: Inquisition A bit about me: im a medieval server owner What I want: i want a plugin for my...
now there is a plugin!! http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/minereset/
thx a lot!!!!! It works 100% thanks you so much =) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
take your time =)
Yay thank you so much!!!!!
yay thanks a lot!!!!! I know!!
+1 for this idea, i like it
mmm this is sad i liked this plugin sorry about ignorant people but you cant do anything to change them but i hope you make another plugins ;)
at first thanks for reply and thanks for trying it =) if it needs world edit like world guard need it its ok, but if it dont require it THAT WILL...
come on 200+ views and nobody can help me :/ this is my finnal bump if nobody can do this im out EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the...
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/admin-chat/ there have the /fsay It is a "Force Say" command, which means typing /fsay Notch Hello! will make...
i posted: because i dont want world edit plugin. i want a plugin only for mine generation with perms support, and easy to use. Bump? Some1...
Plugin category: Fun/Mech Suggested name: AutoMines A bit about me: I'm a Server Owner What I want: i want a plugin to generate mines but i...
hello I would Like to request a a plugin to can copy structures an example: you have a house and you want anothe like that with the plugin you...
Separate names with a comma.