Hello, just wanted to point out (since i never read about this, but always have it) that theres still, to this day, with all versions since 1.13,...
This, i moved to commandbook too (since i couldnt bear the whining players anymore) but even tho thats awesome in its own ways, it just doesnt cut...
Please no, lets not have all plugins 'attack each-other' again, if you want this, look at worldguard (which any server should have anyway) and...
Cool thanks! :D Also, i can confirm its workin on R2 aswell :P nice job there.
cool, cant wait :D
Ooooh seckseh, thanks alot, also really cool idea with the redstone! But (just wondering) can you make a config? so i can set cauldrons to be...
Great idea but i was hoping to find this, maybe you could concider it for either a seperate plugin or a option; If theres water above a cauldron,...
Will this be updated? not to be rude but 'the end' is just ugly, i dont care for it, i have it anyway, but i still want skylands, before 1.0 i had...
Knowing im running ahead of things (since there's no official 1.0 release) will we get control over potions using modifyworld? would be an awesome...
hey hey, still enjoying your plugin (especially since 1.15 fixed the issues 1.14 created for me) but i gotta say im a little surprised at the...
Just noticed a bug in 1.8.1; - Some guy had a locked double chest - Some other guy stole all sweet goods - I went to investigate, turns out double...
Ye my bad, just kinda didnt cope with it, my mistake, not your fault. - The additional crap (once again, calmed down now) is that for every chat...
Wow, just wow, thanks for the months of awesome service and development, but im afraid ill have to drop DC, within one update i get; 1]...
I have a minor issue, if you put it on a todo list it can be near the bottom; Having a bucketload of plugins, let me begin by saying theres a...
Right back at ya, having made a similair (all-containing) plugin for sa-mp once, i understand the shitload of work this is, and really, the little...
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