Hey all! Happy New Year first off! Second does anyone know if something like this plugin still exists for bukkit? [media]...
Not sure if there is a plugin or even the ability to do this, but a way to set the light level of any block in the selection. Possibly when...
Thanks! The tax idea is a great way to control inflation.
So what do you server owners and players think the best economy system is? Every time I try and get a economy running on my server it always...
Is it possible for me to have a redstone repeater right against glowstone to trigger the glowstone on and off? If not is this a feature which...
The Bukkit team is currently working on it live at Minecon from their booth. Just be patient they are working hard. :)
I am in search of a plugin which will allow me to control what groups can build in what worlds. PEX is my permissions plugin however it just uses...
Very nice work :D love the enthusiasm!
Would it be possible to make this so that it shows it as the MOTD in the new 1.8 server browser? That would be a cool feature. Otherwise I love...
Im having trouble getting the permissions to work. My shopkeeper group has - SignShop.Signs.* however it will not allow them to create the...
First off I love your plugin! Has made remote management of our server so much easier! One question I have, is it possible to make the users...
Can anyone send me some tutorials for how to use the transmitter & receiver integrated circuits. Ive gotten other IC's to work but not these...
How do I set someones group using in game commands?
I was just thinking... has anyone made a mod that is for Client Side but provides a User Interface for admins? Like they could kick ban from a...
Separate names with a comma.