@BlueBearPvP Ok, should be done! Commands: /customitem help /customitem <item name> [optional player] Alias: /ci Permissions:...
Hey @BlueBearPvP, Seeing as I already made part one I decided to start making this one as well. It won't be ready as quick as the other one, but...
@I Al Istannen Hey, thanks for the feedback! (Even though you decompiled it :p) Those completely slipped my mind while making the other...
@BlueBearPvP Alright I believe it's done! I've fixed a few things and tested it with another account I have so it should work smoothly. Commands:...
@mcdorli Are you sure? I can call getShooter in the ProjectileLaunchEvent, but the EntityDamageByEntityEvent (which I assume is...
The hashmap was originally there for the 20+ blocks aspect. The EnityDamage event doesn't record who actually shot the arrow as the arrow is the...
Like CreeperFace0777 I'm doing this to improve. I've done what you've requested although have not quite figured out the 20+ blocks aspect (will...
Hello, For a plugin I am making I would like to have entities riding stationary wither skulls. The problem is that every time I spawn one they...
Is there a way to switch between maps? Our server has a multiple map plugin so that would be useful Thanks! -Slayergold3
I have been using this plugin for a while now and i think its great! I have one request though. Could you make it possible to enchant a sign or...
ok thanks!
i have one question is there a plugin to remove the items on the ground since items sometimes cause lag? other than that Great job!
is this updated for 1.8 yet? seems like a great plugin love to try it out!
would this work with groupmanager?
does this plugin have a node so that they can do everything instead of me having to type in every single node?
Separate names with a comma.