Hey does anyone know of a cool super power or some kind of cool ability plugin? because me and my friends want there own individual power but I...
I'm not much of a programmer but I do have a idea for a pretty cool plugin, It would be a plugin that if a zombie hits you there is a chance of it...
This vampire mod added some really cool things that I really like, but they took out some very useful things too, like being able to set vampire...
Can someone please tell me how to get the damn jail stick to work??? the /jailstick command doesn't do anything, is there something in the config...
Is the mod broken for 1.8, cuz I'm a op but it says I dont have premission to access someones inventory
why can ops only do the /jailstatus thing? can i fix that?
outdated like hell, im guessing this mod is done, bummer
books eat each other so if you give someone a book and they have a book in there inv. then the book you gave him is becomes the same book in his...
does this work for hamachi servers?
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