Hi! Thanks for the answer. But theres one problem: CuboidSelection hasn't a getApplicableRegions method, and the method from...
Hi! I tried many things now, but it seems that I can't get it to work. I want to check, on command, if the selection of the command-executor is...
@MrSparkzz Digi @fireblast709 Thanks :)!! Worked fine :D!
Hi! To make a cooldown after x amount of seconds, i use a custom class (Old Methods are included, but useless - Now i've tryed to do it with the...
But it can't, I surrounded it by an if-query - Oh.. if(mc.pt.containsKey(p.getName())){ TimeStamp ts = mc.pt.get(p); I see, sorry xD! Thanks :)!
Ribesg I already tryed to solve it by myself, but failed. Oh, and here the line where the error "happens" (Sorry that i've forgotten to post it...
Hi! After a long break, i want to re-start coding plugins - And since the start the command prompt showed me an error, but don't know why......
Hi! anoyone has a Idea how i can get all Entitys in a specific arena? I have a ifInside(loctocheck, minimumloc, maximumloc) method, and a...
Ok! but...how? Ok, now i have try it so, but nothing happens: if(locdmg.getX() > loc.getX()){ loc.getBlock().getLocation().add(1,0,0); }else...
Hi! How i can get the side where the player is attacked? also so: I= player O= block i = monster I<i OO that its return the red O
I use subclass and class - from time to time subclass, from time to time class.
Ach mist xD Yes.. But i found its easer to make a subclass with the sheduler, and a new class with the listener (and commandexecutor).. but i...
Separate names with a comma.