hello I have a little problem. If I start my Bukkit(670)-Server I get an error that OddItem Couldn't find item.txt or OddItem.yml I have manually...
Thx a lot it helps :-)
Hello I have one question. I have on my server all permission as admin. now I have the lwc plugin and want to know, how I can do that, that I...
Thx for your answer @ Hidendra. They have all permissions like me. How can I disable lwc.admin ? Just like that ? name: xxx permission:...
Hello I have now your great plugin but I have a little problem. When I do my chest as private so why can someone open it. I have one group "Admin"...
Baptiste thx a lot for the fix. Now the command works. THX again great plugin. :-)
Hello, can anyone help me ? why I can't use /mny help ? Have Realshop maybe a conflict with General ? I can only type hg_help. I have Realshop...
Jeffeux thx for your help but it dosn't work. I have done after all lines a break and save it. Than I have change the Permission ONLY READ. But it...
Thx for your answer but if I try /mny or /mny help, than nothing happend. I have craftbukkit build (450). I have hgGeneral. Is that the Problem ?
Hy, I have a problem. I use Realshop and iConomy. When I make a shop an left click with mouse on it, I get an Info by my console. "A plugin...
config.cfg dailyPricesCalculation=false economyPlugin=RealEconomy language=en economy.cfg language=en currency=Coin initialBalance=100.0
Hello, I want to say you have done a good work. Now my little Problem. How can I see how much Coins I have and why I cant use the /mny help...
Hi I like iChat but now I cant have any color why ? message-format: '[+prefix+group]&f +suffix+name&f: +message' by prefix I have '&4' and suffix:...
Hi first thanks for the well plugin. Now I have a question. Can I set my name in color static ? I mean if I login next time to my server that I...
Separate names with a comma.