, try chaning "comparator: r" to "compator: k" option in config.yml.
It should. Somebody posted their 1.4 item list here:
Since the OP expended the effort to not do a basic search (see the first result from, I felt it...
Quick and dirty: Calendar c = new Calendar(); int s = c.get(SECOND) % 5 + 5; while (s > c.get(SECOND) % 5) {}
Fixed that for you.
If file A is not in the same package as Class B, and if Java does things in a sane fashion, Class B cannot load file A. The ClassLoader, however,...
You want ClassLoader.
The post above smells like troll. There's a clear URL in the console message a non-troll would check.
Why the heck are you doing Boolean.valueOf(boolean)?
Separate names with a comma.