Does NameTagEdit not fulfil this criteria?
Actually coming to think of it, that's a good point. Dunno why I suggested it in the first place
Some of these plugins could be using packets. Are they all the correct version for the server? Are they all stable builds?
Try making it a static HashMap, removing all constructors and using: mapClass.mapName.whateverNeedsDoing
[MEDIA] Bear in mind some methods in this video might be outdated.
Is there a .cancel method. If not, there must be a way to cancel it before the second animation is called
You need to make a command, then save a location to a config file. Then get that, then teleport. It's so easy that I doubt anybody is going to...
Could you not do a for loop getting all the players on the server then do #removePlayer(player) [SPOILER]
@SiezureSalad This was on the Spigot forum, have you tried this?
Yeah that's what I'm saying. On IntelliJ, it is different to Eclipse as you have to specifically put in the src folder, whereas on Eclipse, you...
Are you using IntelliJ? This happens as it is different to eclipse, in that you have to put the plugin.yml in src rather than the project name.
Doesn't essentials already have this? /about [playername] I assumed that as you don't know how to remove permissions, you wouldn't want...
Could you not create an arraylist with the players' name then use a runnable to self cancel it after x seconds? AsyncPlayerChatEvent going into a...
Separate names with a comma.