Wow! Looks amazing! ETA on the release/beta? Would love to beta test this!
You can also just make the folder /src/main/resources and put plugin.yml in there.
I'll check th Twitter API to see if I can do this with the real twitter.
[IMG] Tweet is a plugin that adds Twitter like functions to Minecraft! Planned Features: Tweets (140 character...
The method that calls the bukkit method is in the main threa, just so you know. @bergerkiller
Question, if I call a method that I created, which executes a Bukkit method then run that created method on another thread, is that safe?
If you plan on releasing it, use JDK6 because most servers still use JDK6
Are you using JDK 7 for development? Don't, just don't.
You should use GitHub for source, its easier for people to look at.
Okay! I got it to work! But haven't touched it up yet... It uses the Twitter4J library for connecting to the Twitter API. Will post when its...
Just going to find out if its possible, if it is, I will make it!
I will make this! Do you just want it to grant permission nodes? Or give economy money? Or a item (like a [diamond] :))? @algiuxas
Yea sure! My user TheRandomGuy10
With that config, people could use beds in the normal world, but not the nether and the end.
And if you want it, To use it, just open the config.yml in the plugins folder and use this format: worlds: world: false...
Separate names with a comma.