Looks 'ok' to me although nicknames might be better be just one letter and not the whole word like 'nickname: staff'. There are two (maybe 3) ways...
Your herochat config would be a good start.
Do you just get that message but the commands work? Do /pex toggle debug and enjoy the endless log spam (no joke). See what nodes the users try &...
You have "default-channel: Global" but the only channels I see are "VIP" and "Public"
The first - is just pex's way of representing 'I'm a node/Value/rank!'. Every node has to have one so pex knows that that line is a node and that...
Wrong formation . admin: inheritance: - default default: false permissions: - -notificator.*...
I fixed the problem via setting my Residence config in the global flag for firespread: true (from false). Worldguard prevents my firespread but...
I just set passwords for admin ect channels and gave those groups ch overwrite perms so they don't need to enter the pass :3
I mean you were able to send messages to channels even when you didn't set your focus to it. So /g *message* would send the *message* to Global...
YO man thank you and Gery so much! <3 it. Finally chat in console and some hope that HeroChat isn't dead :] Looks to me you do not use the yml...
I noticed that plugin enabled(or disable) takes 2 seconds each. So on reload Plugin X gets disabled and after 2 seconds pause the next one gets...
Love it! My Notepad++ also sends it's gratefulness. Option to change the archive saving dir would be neat. Seems to be working on CB#1145
I too had(probably still have) this problem and looked a bit into to. I tried all successful builds craftbukkit builds for 1.7._01 (946+). It is...
Oh Hai I'm looking for a plugin/tool, which can be in-game or run as software that will let you setup simple configurations for most of the...
Separate names with a comma.